How is an illustration better than a photograph?

Both are great forms of visual aid, but in some cases, it is better to have a created piece to emphasize specific areas of importance and remove distractions.

Why should I use a scientific illustrator?

Scientific illustrators are highly effective visual communicators.  They will work with you to better share your information.  Unlike a general artist, scientific illustrators have had experience in the science fields making the work progress faster with a higher degree of accuracy.

Why choose LEGACY BioStudios?

LEGACY BioStudios is a competitive company in the field of scientific illustration and we want to work WITH you.  We work hard to produce the best visual aids for your business to promote your product.  We believe the work should be so well communicated that it will provide for future generations, becoming a legacy.

How do I decide which type of visual communication is right for my business?

Our scientific illustrator will work with you to discuss your needs and what kind of visual aids would best benefit you.  Download a free handout to see what kind of illustrations will work best for you.

How do I start?

Contact LEGACY BioStudios and we will schedule a free consultation to discuss your work and how we can best serve you.


Contact us for more information and a free consultation.